Avon ADC Rules


Updated 29th March 2022

1       GENERAL

1.1       The title of the Club is the Avon Amateur Dancers Club, also known as Avon Dancers Club or AADC, hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.

1.2       The objectives of the Club are to further the interests of Modern Ballroom and Latin American dancing in the South West region, by the provision of (without obligation and not limited to):

            (a) Dance practice sessions;

            (b) Competitions;

            (c) Social dance functions.

1.3       The Club may be affiliated to such dance organisations as passed by resolution of the Committee.

1.4       The Club shall be bound by the rules of the British Dance Council. (* See note 1 at end of rules)

1.5       The interpretation of these Rules, or any part thereof, shall be the sole province of the Officers and Committee.  Any resolution passed by the Committee regarding the interpretation of the Rules shall be final and binding, and shall constitute part of the Rules subject to ratification at a General Meeting.

1.6       A copy of these Rules Governing the Organisation and Membership of Avon Amateur Dancers Club shall be presented to each member on joining, or on revision of the Rules (when considered necessary by the Committee).  All members shall be deemed to have read the Rules and to be bound by them, and any revision enacted at a General Meeting or communicated by the Committee.

1.7       The Rules of the Club shall be reviewed by the Committee, and any amendments proposed to the Annual General Meeting, at intervals not greater than five years.


2.1       The membership of the Club comprises Voting and Non-Voting Members as defined below.  Persons defined as non-amateur under the rules of the British Dance Council are excluded from voting membership, unless serving on the Committee (see Rule 3.1).

2.1.1    Voting Members

            (a)        Full Member – open to persons aged 16 years and over.  A reduced membership fee may be offered to members who have reached state pensionable age, or are enrolled as full-time students.

            (b)        Honorary Life Member – proposed by the Committee and elected by a General Meeting for outstanding service to the Club, with no annual membership fee and free admission to ordinary Club practice sessions.  Further privileges may be granted by resolution of the Committee.

2.1.2    Non-Voting Members

            (a)        Junior Member – offered to those less than 16 years of age, defined as amateurs under the rules of the British Dance Council, at a reduced membership fee.

            (b)        Associate Member – offered at the discretion of the Committee to persons for whom Full Membership is inappropriate.

            (c)        Honorary Life Associate Member – proposed by the Committee and elected by a General Meeting for outstanding service to the Club where the recipient is disqualified from voting by non-amateur status, with no annual membership fee and free admission to ordinary Club practice sessions.  Further privileges may be granted by resolution of the Committee.

2.2       Membership is by application to the Committee, to include evidence of any concessions claimed.  Any such application shall be considered at the next Committee Meeting and accepted or rejected by vote.  The decision of the Committee is final, and no discussion or reasons for rejection will be entered into.

2.3       Members shall pay an annual subscription of such amount or concessionary rate as shall be recommended by the Committee and approved by the Members at a General Meeting.

2.4       The annual subscription shall be due for payment by each member on or by 1st April each year.

2.5       Members who have not paid their annual subscription within six weeks of it falling due (ie on or by 13th May) shall be deemed to have terminated their membership.

2.6       A member may resign their membership at any time by providing notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary.

2.7       The Committee may terminate the membership of any member considered to be acting contrary to the interests of the Club.  The member shall have the right of appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

2.8       All Honorary Life Memberships and Honorary Life Associate Memberships shall be reviewed annually by the Committee and if deemed no longer appropriate, the privilege of such membership shall be withdrawn.



3.1       All voting members (as defined in Rule 2.1) are eligible to serve as Officers, Committee, and Ex-Officio Members of the Club.  Non-voting members may stand for election or be co-opted for Committee, but not for Officer or Ex-Officio roles.  If a non-voting member is elected or co-opted, that member will be entitled to a vote at Committee Meetings and General Meetings whilst serving on the Committee.

3.2       The Officers of the Club comprise:

(a)        Chairman;

(b)        Honorary Secretary;

(c)        Honorary Treasurer.

3.3       The roles of Officers shall be elected or re-elected by the Members at each Annual General Meeting.  The functions of each officer are defined in sections 4, 5, and 6.

3.4       Officers are members of the Committee.  Further Committee and Ex-Officio Members shall be appointed as follows:

3.4.1    Up to seven members of the Committee (in addition to Officers) shall be elected or re-elected by the Members at each Annual General Meeting.

3.4.2    Not more than one member of the same partnership or immediate family (as defined by the rules of the British Dance Council) shall serve on the Committee at any one time.

3.4.3    A Vice Chairman shall be elected or re-elected at each Annual General Meeting from the elected Committee Members (not including Officers).

3.4.4    The Committee may appoint an Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, and Minutes Secretary, at the Committee’s discretion and subject to the rule of co-option (Rule 3.7).

3.5       Should any Officer or Committee Member resign, become insolvent, or fail to attend three consecutive meetings without reason satisfactory to the Committee, the Committee shall declare the seat vacant.

3.6       In the event of the role of any Officer or Ex-Officio Member remaining vacant, or becoming vacant prior to the next Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall appoint an Acting Officer or Ex-Officio Member subject to confirmation by General Meeting.  The office may be filled by an existing Officer if the Committee deem appropriate, subject to the rules that normally apply.

3.7       The Committee may fill any non-Officer vacancy on the Committee, and up to three further seats on the Committee, by co-option.

3.8       Up to two Club Members, who are not Officers or Committee members, shall be elected or re-elected by the members at each Annual General Meeting, for the honorary role of checking the accounts prepared by the Honorary Treasurer.

3.9       A President may be elected or re-elected by the membership at an Annual General Meeting.  The term of President shall be three years unless resigned.  It is the role of the President to chair General Meetings.  The President sha1l not be an Officer of the Club, but may serve on the Committee.

3.10     Any number of Vice Presidents may be elected or re-elected by the Members at an Annual General Meeting. The term of Vice-President shall be three years unless resigned.   The title of Vice President is honorary to be bestowed in recognition of services to the Club, and carries no responsibility.  A member elected Vice President is not barred from other Officer, Committee or Ex-Officio role.


4.1       The quorum for General Meetings shall be ten Voting Members, of which no fewer than three shall not be Officers, Committee, or Ex-Officio Members as defined in Section 3.  Non-Voting Members may be present but shall not participate in votes at General Meetings.

4.2       Resolutions of General Meetings shall be carried by majority vote of Members present at the meeting.  In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote which must be used to break the tie.  Tellers shall be appointed from the Members present (not including Officers, Committee, or Ex-Officio Members).

4.3       Voting shall be by show of hands, or by secret ballot on request if supported by a majority show of hands.

4.4       Annual General Meetings:

4.4.1    The Annual General Meeting shall be held by 31st March each year.

4.4.2    The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include (but is not limited to):

            (a)        The adoption of the Honorary Secretary’s Report;

            (b)        The adoption of the Financial Statement for the year ending 31st December previous;

            (c)        The election of Officers, Committee, and Ex-Officio Members as specified            in Section 3;

            (d)       Motions listed on the previously circulated agenda for the meeting.

4.4.3    Business not listed on the circulated agenda and carried by vote at an Annual General Meeting shall be subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting or by the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

4.5       Extraordinary General Meetings:

4.5.1    Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club shall be convened at any time:

            (a)        By resolution of the Committee;

            (b)        At requisition in writing, stating the motions and signed by twelve Voting Members, submitted to the Honorary Secretary.  An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held on or within 28 days of such requisition.

4.5.2    The business of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be limited to the items listed on the previously circulated agenda for the meeting.

4.6.1    All Voting Members of the Club shall receive 14 days notice of any General Meeting, including the agenda for the meeting.

4.6.2    The Club may collect members’ email addresses.  If an email address is on record, the Club may use email for any communication with the member, and the member shall be deemed to have been in receipt of the communication.  No member shall be obliged to provide an email address, but if one is provided it is the member’s responsibility to ensure it is updated when appropriate.

4.7       Motions proposed (in writing) to the Honorary Secretary by any Member of the Club, not less than 28 days prior to the date of an Annual General Meeting, shall be included on the circulated agenda for that meeting unless the Committee rules them vexatious.  A seconder shall be obtained before any such motion is voted on.

4.8       No resolution carried in General Meeting shall be amended or rescinded at any meeting within twelve months (or the interval between Annual General Meetings), unless notice of the motion to amend or rescind is included on the agenda for the General Meeting circulated to all voting members.

4.9       Nominations for Officers, Committee, Ex-Officio Members, and Honorary Life and Life Associate Members (as defined in Section 3) shall be seconded and submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than 28 days prior to the date of an Annual General Meeting, and shall be included on the circulated agenda for that meeting.  Nominations shall obtain the permission of the nominee prior to being proposed.

4.10     General Meetings shall be chaired by the President of the Club, or in his/her absence the Chairman of the Club.  In the absence of both, the members present shall appoint one of their number as Acting Chairman for the meeting.  Meetings shall not be chaired by any person where the conduct of that person is the subject of the meeting.

4.11     Minutes of General Meetings shall be taken, and reviewed and accepted as true by vote of the Members at the following Annual General Meeting.  The minutes shall be kept on record, and made available for inspection by the members of the Club on request.

4.12     All business shall be conducted through the chairman of the meeting.


5.1       The business of the Club shall be managed by the Officers and Committee as defined in Section 3.

5.2       Committee Meetings shall be convened at a date, time, and place as deemed convenient to ensure the attendance of the Officers and Committee. Four members of the Officers and Committee shall form a quorum.

5.3       Committee Meetings shall be called by the Chairman, or on request of three Committee Members, or as arranged at a previous meeting, with no more than twelve weeks elapsed between meetings.

5.4       The Chairman of the Club shall chair Committee Meetings, or in his absence the Vice Chairman shall be Acting Chairman for the meeting.  In the absence of both the Committee shall appoint one of their number as Acting Chairman.

5.5       Any Member of the Club shall ne permitted to attend Committee Meetings, and may speak at the discretion of the Chairman or Acting Chairman, but are not entitled to vote unless an Officer or Committee Member.

5.6       Resolutions of the Committee shall be carried by majority vote of Officers and Committee Members present at the meeting.  Voting shall be by show of hands, or by secret ballot if requested by at least two voting members.  In the event of a tie, the Chairman or Acting Chairman shall have the casting vote which must be used to break the tie.

5.7       Minutes of Committee Meetings shall be taken, and reviewed and accepted as true by vote of the Committee at the following Committee Meeting.  The minutes shall be kept on record, and made available for inspection by the members of the Club on request.

5.8       All business shall be conducted through the chairman of the meeting.

5.9       Any Officer or Committee Member may propose a resolution to adjourn the meeting after three hours has elapsed from the official commencement of the meeting, and the resolution shall be voted on immediately.

6       FINANCE

6.1       All expenditure shall be authorised, and all accounts approved, by the Committee.

6.2       The Committee shall have the power to delegate the authorising and approval of expenditure not more than £100 to the Honorary Treasurer.

6.3       All monies whatsoever received shall be paid into the banking account of the Club.

6.4       All withdrawals from the banking account of the Club shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer, and countersigned by the Honorary Secretary or the Chairman or deputy as approved by the Committee (but not the same person as the Honorary Treasurer).

6.5       The Committee shall not cause or permit the Club to incur any liability in excess of the assets of the Club, without the consent of two-thirds of the voting Members of the Club.  This consent shall be obtained by General Meeting setting out the full extent of the intended liability to be incurred.

6.6       The Honorary Treasurer shall submit an up-to-date financial report at each Committee Meeting.

6.7       The Financial Statement presented to the Club at the Annual General Meeting shall include all assets under the control of the Club (whether the Club’s property or not).


7.1       No papers, notices, or any other form of document shall be issued to Members or Committee prior to any meeting and having bearing on the business of the meeting, unless circulated to all the persons entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

7.2       The circulation of any notices, advertisements, questionnaires, or any other form of document pertaining to the Club is not permitted except with the prior consent of the Chairman or Honorary Secretary.

7.3       No public announcements, or the forwarding of Club papers or other matters concerning the Club, to the press or other outside bodies is permitted unless authorised by a resolution of the Committee.

7.4       The Committee may ban any member, guest, or other person whose conduct is contrary to the Rules or in contempt of common courtesy or the rights and privileges of the Officers, Committee. Members, or Guests in the pursuance of their normal activities, from attending any Club event for a period decided by the Committee.


8.1       Complaints shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary and placed on the agenda for discussion at the next Committee Meeting.


9.1       Dissolution of the Club shall be by resolution at a General Meeting in accordance with the Rules pertaining to General Meetings.

9.2       In the event of the dissolution, the assets of the Club shall be wound up and held in trust by persons named in the dissolution motion, for the benefit of a local dancers club that may be formed in the future and complies with the status of “amateur” according to the definition of the British Dance Council or regulatory body that may replace the BDC, and is constituted according to the general principles of Avon Amateur Dancers Club (as defined in Rules 1.2 to 1.5 inclusive).



  1. The British Dance Council (BDC) rules govern the conduct of competitions, competitors, and officials, define age groups and grades, and defines who is eligible for amateur status. As such, the BDC rules affect the decisions of the AADC Committee, and affect all competitors (regardless of being members of AADC), but have little or no effect on non-competing normal members of AADC except in regard of activities which may exclude them from amateur status, and/or who is eligible to serve on the Committee

Copyright © Avon Dancers Club 2024